How to attract opportunities and prosperity in days
This article is a FREE present for YOU to harness and use YESTERDAY!!!
initiate action steps
Procrastination is the thief of time, opportunities and prosperity.
initiate action steps
When should you discard your ‘thought shackles’?
initiate action steps
by Camille Lansiquot
If YOU do not like the title of this article or any of the words within it then stop reading NOW. If this is YOU and you feel a disconnect stop reading NOW. Truly. Stop reading here and NOW. Honestly. It is not for people like YOU. This particular journey is not for YOU.
I want you to try believing in yourself that you know HOW to ATTRACT OPPORTUNITIES + PROSPERITY in days with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment at my risk. Because I know it works but you don’t …yet!
If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, I want you to immediately take yourself out of the equation on how to attract opportunities and prosperity in days and return to your hit and miss, ‘stuck in a rut’ the hour glass is always against me frame of mind. I mean it, you don’t have to do anything else, just stay exactly where you are peddling on the same old, same old ‘gerbil wheel of chance’. I don’t even want your money for the subsequent events of Positive Steps Into Social Mobility. Please keep your money. Give it away to someone else who will groom you with open arms and open doors for you for US$100,000’s.
I value our relationship and my reputation for more; incredibly more, than a few thousand euros, dollars, pounds, yen, etc. So please, try How to ATTRACT OPPORTUNITIES + PROSPERITY in days with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment for...within 24 hours (even though you will gain rewards and opportunities during your lifetime with this, I am giving you 24 hours to be completely sure and utterly satisfied with this central, principal, dominant foundation on how to ATTRACT OPPORTUNITIES + PROSPERITY in days with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility) I won’t take anything less!
So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the right fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in yourself..
Scroll down to the end and click 'Online Store' to get started now
If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, I want you to immediately take yourself out of the equation on how to attract opportunities and prosperity in days and return to your hit and miss, ‘stuck in a rut’ the hour glass is always against me frame of mind. I mean it, you don’t have to do anything else, just stay exactly where you are peddling on the same old, same old ‘gerbil wheel of chance’. I don’t even want your money for the subsequent events of Positive Steps Into Social Mobility. Please keep your money. Give it away to someone else who will groom you with open arms and open doors for you for US$100,000’s.
I value our relationship and my reputation for more; incredibly more, than a few thousand euros, dollars, pounds, yen, etc. So please, try How to ATTRACT OPPORTUNITIES + PROSPERITY in days with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment for...within 24 hours (even though you will gain rewards and opportunities during your lifetime with this, I am giving you 24 hours to be completely sure and utterly satisfied with this central, principal, dominant foundation on how to ATTRACT OPPORTUNITIES + PROSPERITY in days with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility) I won’t take anything less!
So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the right fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in yourself..
Scroll down to the end and click 'Online Store' to get started now
Now let us move forward, as haste likes opportunities
This article is a FREE present for YOU to harness and use YESTERDAY!!!
You are here because you seek to make a distinctive difference of opportunities and prosperity within your life. You are here because you are ready to create a journey of beneficial experiences to bring opportunities and prosperity into your life. You are here and your curiosity will keep you reading to find a selection of answers to attract opportunities and prosperity into your life in days. You will find that I will be direct in my language with you. The message will be easy to comprehend and effective when placed into motion. The message is what it is. Warts and all. Are you ready?
Still here with me? Let me shed some light on how to attract opportunities and prosperity in days.
ARE YOU IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS MAN? Yesterday, I was at a government office for employment waiting to meet a Manager in order to discuss a confidence building project and motivation momentum for unemployed clients. Whilst waiting in the seated area I overheard a conversation where a middle aged man who had clearly stopped looking after his appearance and who was job hunting, was telling a member of staff that he was sick and tired of people employed at those offices not understanding his situation and not helping him with real opportunities. He felt that he was being passed around from one project to the next, in order to make the government statistics look good for getting the unemployed into training and employment. He kept reiterating that he needed to make money and that he needed to be in a better place. That he needed to get back on track with life because he was “ fed up with all of this!” Do you know of someone like this?
ARE YOU IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS WOMAN? Two weeks ago I was standing next to two women on a crowded bus and one of them was telling the other that she was getting sick and tired of her personal relationship and work situation. That she felt under pressure to do more for less pay. That she was sick and tired of doing the extra hours of work through her lunch time, break time and after work to help the company keep its marketplace. Her quality of life was deteriorating and her employers were demanding more commitment and loyalty from the workforce to promote sales of their products. She was telling her friend that some employees were considering leaving with no other job to go to. Some colleagues were already job hunting and ready to leave once they secured a new job. Other colleagues were literally sick and tired and took several days off work due to work based mental illness. Being assigned and doing the extra work to cover for her ill colleagues, this woman was telling her friend that the added work situation was placing a strain on her own health and well-being, bringing about more arguments within her relationships at her residence. Her friend suggested that she should consider doing some training to help her attain a better position. Her friend stated that moving up on her terms, was better than standing still and being used as a disposable unit for the benefit of the company. Do you know of someone like this?
ARE YOU IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS COUPLE? Last month I was standing in a supermarket queue and a couple were having some disagreements about how much money they had for their shopping and the mortgage that they were behind with which needed payments. One accused the other of not doing enough to make more money and staying within their comfort zone of ‘dead beat’ friends and family, who never aspired to anything. They both seemed to be sick and tired of each other and of their situation. Their body language and speech tones spoke volumes about the state of their relationship. Do you know of someone like this?
Sick and tired. Sick and tired. Sick and tired.
How many times have you heard someone say “I am sick and tired of this!”
How many times have you heard someone say “I am fed up with this!
How many times have YOU said to yourself “I am sick and tired of ...”
How many times have YOU said to yourself “I am fed up with …”
How many times have YOU said to yourself “What the …. is this!”
How many times have YOU said to yourself “Why is this happening to me!”
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Make your positive steps the actions, from dreams to reality, to attract opportunities + prosperity yesterday. |
It is true that there are some techniques and methods, when making the effort to attract opportunities that encourage prosperity, that are too boring, that are too difficult, that are too complicated, that are too costly (in time and/or money), that are too unbelievable, or, that feel beyond reach. Depending upon the type of person that you are, you can stand still in this mindset of things being too difficult, too complicated, too costly, too beyond reach, too...anything, too... everything, etc. Or, you can travel through the experience of the too...anything, too… everything etc., learn from it, take what you can from it and then release it as it ceases to serve you any longer. These are what I call ‘thought shackles’.
Thought shackles are the thoughts that keep you in the belief that your actions will never amount to anything because things are stacked heavily against you. They were stacked against you in the past. They are stacked against you in the present. They will be stacked against you in the future. These thought shackles subdue the essence of you, your family, your friends and your local community when you want to step forward in life for the better.
The thought shackles act as your shepherd and your physical self is the sheep. You obey without question or hesitation to what your thought shackles are telling you. Your thought shackles feeds upon the conversations, literature, advertisements and other external impacts that feed its hunger for one type of information that strengthens its own core beliefs.
Thought shackles discount everyone and everything that tries to bring clarity to situations and delivers better, sound, guaranteed or innovative results. Do you know that your thought shackles do not enable the concept that...
At any given moment you can alter your existence to something that is relatively positive or relatively negative. Your mindset and your mind chatter influences your decision making abilities and your actions in life. This includes when you speak to yourself and have the steps within your head, so that you know how to make the action that will bring about a step which will get you closer to your goal.
For you, being held to problems or unfortunate situations or issues, the steps to take are too arduous and are soon discarded because they are outside of the comfort zone threshold in your reality. The reality that is bound by thought shackles. That comfort zone which stems from a belief that YOU are not worthy enough to take this particular step and attain the opportunity.
This is the comfort zone which is based from the beliefs of your parents, community peers and family line, that says you must not get ahead of yourself and that you must know your place and not go outside of it to better yourself. The comfort zone that reiterates a mantra in your head telling you that you cannot be better than your parents. That you must accept the happiness of being where you are at now, at this stage in your life. Strive, wish and desire for nothing else. Know your place in the world order and never stray from it. Know your place in the order of society and never stray from it. Know your place in your family duties and never stray from it. You know that what I have written is true and you also know of the people who are keeping this mantra alive within communities and families.
If YOU do not like this record or picture of life and reality or any of the words within it, then stop reading NOW. If this is aggravating to YOU and your sensibility stop reading NOW. Truly. Stop reading here and NOW. Honestly. It is not for people like YOU.
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Which is best at attracting opportunities + prosperity for you? Why? |
Attracting opportunities and prosperity is not for everybody. It just is not to their liking or way of living. The ability of being scared of opportunities and prosperity is a comfort zone that some people prefer. As opposed to the ability of seeking, holding and using opportunities and prosperity to leverage their situation. There is nothing wrong with being scared or uncertain of what you do not know, understand or care about. Your level of self worth; who you are in life, accepts that and embraces this aspect of you as a fail safe or damage limitation programme to guard you against failure from the steps to attain opportunities, prosperity and promises.
Even when you have taken the ‘thought it through’ step and you are certain that it makes sense to you, the result appears to you not as you had imagined. Or, you feel that there is a lack of a result! So you return to the thought of the idea and the steps which you chose to take, in order to work out why you have seemingly moved two steps back instead of one step forward.
Or, you cannot understand why the solution still keeps you standing in the same spot and nothing has changed for the better. Days go past... Weeks go past... Months go past... Years go past... You are still standing in the same mental chatter and not accessing the opportunities and prosperity that you are working towards.
So, if this is YOUR SITUATION, YOUR PROBLEM, YOUR ISSUE and you need some support, guidance and help, continue to read. Truly. There will be a gem of information waiting for you in this article. Keep reading or you may miss it. There is a reason why you are still here reading this article. You have already instigated a connection to it. Keep reading to receive that gem of clarification that is waiting for you. This is specifically for YOU. To be used by YOU.
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The door to attract opportunities and prosperity opens for you at specific occasions in your life. |
So WHO ARE YOU that this support, guidance and help is for?
This particular support, guidance and help is for YOU who is actively seeking a tried, tested and guaranteed solution to a discord, problem or issue in YOUR life that YOU need rectifying with positive outcomes. You are searching for tried, tested and guaranteed solutions to your current discord, problem or issue of inactive opportunities and prosperity. You are avidly searching for orthodox and unorthodox methods and techniques, which will enable next steps to opportunities that are real and can be accomplished by you.
You are still reading this because now you are clearing your mind chatter and see a need or an interest in the business of YOU, because YOU ARE A BESPOKE BUSINESS PACKAGE. Take these few minutes to imagine and feel yourself in front of others who are holding you back to receive opportunities and prosperity. Could it be that perhaps it is also you holding yourself back through your thought shackles and mind chatter? Through the mirror of your mind, What do you see? What do you feel?
Question #1: "Is there a cost involved in the business of YOU?"
Answer: Yes. The cost is in time and money.
How much it costs in time and money is up to you at that specific moment.
As soon as you make the investment to yourself the countdown to receiving your opportunities and prosperity commences. In fact, every action that you make where you invest time and money to yourself commences the countdown for the opportunities and prosperity to move closer to you. Guaranteed.
Whether you are a spiritual person or a pragmatic person. Your free will, your instinct, your hunch, your rationale, to be somewhere or read something that can instigate the delivery of opportunities and prosperity commences to move closer to you when you make the action to set it in motion.
The most that you will have to do is to keep the momentum going so that the path which the opportunities and prosperity takes is free from barriers, blockages and hindrances at your end, in order for YOU to receive the rewards.
The only persons that can stop this movement is yourself, plus those that you let take your opportunities and prosperity through a jealous mind or a corrupted mind. These people can be relatives, school friends, work friends, social club friends, acquaintances and/or your neighbourhood communities. You know that what I have written is true and you also know of the people who are like this.
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Positive people attract opportunities and prosperity in days through positive steps |
Positive People. Transforming inaction into action.
How to attract opportunities and prosperity in days through positive steps IS for you.
How to attract opportunities and prosperity in days through positive steps IS for you.
This is who YOU ARE...
1. YOU have the right mindset. By that, I mean that YOU have a positive attitude and connect with others that are like minded in positivity on their journey.
2. YOU are entrepreneurial; in the business of you. YOU ARE an individual with an entrepreneurial mindset. You are strong in your mind that you want to succeed in life and strive for a better lifestyle as you move forward in life. You ask the questions so that you gain a better insight. This insight adds to your content.
3. YOU ARE open minded. You are open minded to widen your horizons and receive opportunities from ‘others’ who are different from you. Additionally, these ‘others’ connect to your mindset of seeking opportunities and prosperity through like minded synergies. Win/Win connections.
4. YOU ARE looking for freedom from the shackles of your thoughts which wants to keep you beholden.
5. YOU ARE looking for freedom from the shackles of others who want to keep you indebted.
6. YOU KNOW that something in your situation is deteriorating your level of life. You are questioning these aspects of your life. You ask, “Why is this happening to me?” “Why are those people so against this idea?” YOU ASK the ‘Why?’ because you are sick and tired of setbacks and being shackled to unfavourable situations, organisations and people, where they (as you) are being used as a stepping stone for others to get ahead in life.
7. YOU ARE seriously seeking solutions to better your situation because you are quite rightly fed up with being trampled upon, manipulated and used by work and social groups.
8. YOU CAN BE a divorcee. You can be a single parent. You can be overweight. You can be tall, thin and balding. You can be short, overweight with excessive sweat glands. You can have a good physique, be attractive, red haired and have bad breath and crooked teeth. You can be a religious person living in a
foreign country and do not speak the national language. You can be any of these things and have any of these traits, plus more. Your circumstances are made up of many physical, spiritual, social and work configurations and your question of "Why am I hampered by 'not very nice' people or things?" serves as a wake up call to the changes that you need to make in order to access opportunities and prosperity. When you start to ask the ‘Why?’, you are beginning the process of solutions and telling the commencement of your actions to get ready to deliver the
momentum, which will aid the path of opportunities and prosperity to be received by you.
9. YOU do not need me to tell you to start this journey. You are here because you know that you want to make the journey. At a point in your mind and at your heart, you need the confirmation to start the momentum for your journey. You have made the decision to make the changes in your life, because where you are right now is not making you happy, or, is not bringing to you the thing that will nourish your satisfaction. You are merely seeking clarity for the best possible paths to a better lifestyle through your entrepreneurial, inquisitive mindset. You are ready for a change and you want the change to be a relatively easy, comfortable, joyous, strengthening and accumulative journey. You know what you want and you know that the changes will bring up alterations to your current lifestyle and belief systems. You understand that there will be elements of challenges, but nothing that you cannot overcome through clarity.
Through the clarity of your journey you will be prepared for the changes that will be brought to you. This includes the people who will support you on the journey and who share a synergy with you.
10. WHEN your mindset is in a good way, you will engage with the changes in a positive way. You do not need other people to force you into being positive. You already have a positive mindset, you just need to be with a team of like minded people with equally positive mindsets, who are also striving for a better lifestyle and who are sharing information on how to get there without a great battle. The path with least resistance. As water finding a path through rock.
11. YOU CAN be the person who can follow instructions and at the same time be the person who can see opportunities and prosperity for yourself through the instructions. Let the instructions become the vessel that will help to deliver your opportunities and prosperity. All instructions must be an aid not a burden. Within that instruction MUST be a door of opportunity that leads to prosperity. These are the positive steps that bring you awareness and empowerment. Guaranteed.
12. YOU HAVE an understanding that in believing that you can create your own income (where your content = currency), that you would definitely thrive on this journey of how to attract opportunities and prosperity in days. You believe in it to be able to receive the opportunities and the prosperity. Even if you already have a revenue stream coming in (an income of one sort or another), you feel that you could use better opportunities and access greater prosperity on your own particular journey than you currently have, then this can work for you. You will start to see opportunities and prosperity opening up just for you through your mindset changes, to positive actions and interacting with the changes. Others will eventually acknowledge your development and see your ‘ease’ to accessing opportunities and prosperity. People who were where you once stood will want to know the secret of HOW? and follow YOUR instructions. You will lead and others will follow.
13. YOU readily connect to the idea of making your positive steps, and meeting with individuals who are like minded as you. You, who are ready for the journey to make effective actions, will go far. Astonishingly far. You will smile and laugh to yourself when you realise how harmless and blissful the steps are and how the opportunities have been timed and created for you. Positive steps are not partners with procrastination. Procrastination is the thief of time, opportunities and prosperity.
14. YOU, who is ready to take the action steps, are fed up of ‘being fed up’. You are the person who opens to a selection of the best possible instructions of actions, to deliver to you YOUR opportunities and prosperity. Right now you are fed up with the constant struggles. You are fed up with the stress. You are fed up with work. You are fed up with the people around you. You are fed up with this, that and the other and you are wanting the best possible support, guidance and help actions RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW on how to attract opportunities and prosperity in days.
Right now you are eyes wide open and willing to do something, to bring about the knowledge as to how to attract opportunities and prosperity in days, in order to deliver a better aspect you and a better business of YOU. Remember that you are content + your content = currency. You are now ready to go far. You are determined to make the journey of changes and bring about a better lifestyle for yourself.
15. YOU KNOW that a momentum that will move you into action is when YOU have experienced being sick and tired of ‘being sick and tired’. You have to make that journey and come out of it at the other end, ready to rock and roll in your opportunities and prosperity. At this stage you are hungry for the taste of fresh opportunities and prosperity. You will thrive. Your mindset is ready to work in unison with your actions and the passion for change in your heart.
The countdown to the day of attraction has begun and YOUR opportunities and prosperity are making their journey directly to you, because NOW you really, truly, honestly want the change. Clarity is going to steer you straight to YOUR opportunities and prosperity. You will thrive. You will then link with people and your combined actions will create synergies to multiply your opportunities and prosperity. This can only happen in the time that it has to happen in. You will thrive.
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Positive people enable bridges into their life by attracting opportunities and prosperity through positive actions. |
This is an additional FREE item FOR YOU. Follow it for results.
As a BASIC ACTION the following is what YOU should be doing EVERY DAY in order to attract opportunities and prosperity in days.
+ Surrounding yourself within an environment of positivity and creativity will aid in the delivery of a positive outcome.
+ Wearing something positive will aid in the delivery of a positive outcome.
+ Reading something positive will aid in the delivery of a positive outcome.
+ Thinking something positive and having good intentions will aid in the delivery of a positive outcome.
+ Singing, humming or playing something positive will aid in the delivery of a positive outcome.
+ Saying something positive will aid in the delivery of a positive outcome.
+ Smiling and laughing through good humour and kindness will aid in the delivery of a positive outcome.
+ Using your kinetic energy in a beneficial, creative or advantageous way will aid in the delivery of a positive outcome.
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Fact: Action Changes Things (ACT) |
People who have positive cultural awareness, who are open to teachings and who are willing to learn, will amass far more than others who insist upon an attitude of that they know more than anyone else. Usually the response is, ‘Tell me something new, I know that already’. These are people with objection personalities.
You can never stop your consciousness and subconsciousness from knowledge and you should always strive to learn as much as you can. When you hear something, or read something, that starts off with something that you already know and you stop listening or reading, the moment that you stop listening or reading is the moment that you object to being reasonable and rational and turn your back on the finest and most exquisite piece of information, that will ADD to the
opportunities and the prosperity that is being delivered to you through your decision making actions. Sometimes it is not only the information being delivered that is beneficial, but the person relaying the information is the one who holds the key to methods and experiences of attracting opportunities and prosperity.
If you are penniless today and you wish to become a millionaire within the next 24 hours you need to be asking the questions:
- Why has the attraction of opportunities and prosperity not opened for me in the past when I had money, or, when I had an opportunity?
- What were the actions (or non-actions) that I decided upon?
- Why am I penniless?
- How did I end up like this?
- Why is no-one in my immediate family successful?
- Why are people in my extended/distant family always receiving money and good luck, but my immediate family are poor and have no luck?
- Why does my family have this negative mentality for having large quantities of money (being rich) and remaining to live under the orders of others, to not be educated or proactive in personal achievements?
- Why does my family have a greed mentality for preying on others who are rich? Why are they always holding their hand out (begging) for money / for food / for items for themselves / for items for their home, from other family members?
- Why am I bypassed for opportunities (chances) at school / at work / within my family?
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Start by creating a positive mindset. This is your foundation upon which many things will develop. |
When you have answered these questions and more about who you are and where you come from, can you be able to take the steps of actions:
+ for realisations,
+ to thrive,
+ to enable good use of time,
+ to enable the ability to build your ideas,
+ to keep your will power strong,
+ to let the success arrive when it arrives,
+ of letting go of old habits that have not served you well, and,
+ learning new ways of doing things
with tangible results, implementing the support, guidance and help and being forward thinking. You will thrive.
The truth is this. The more money that you have to invest in yourself, the quicker you will attract more opportunities and greater prosperity. You can still attract opportunities and prosperity in 90 days with less than a Great Britain Pound (GBP) £10 investment and with the BASIC ACTION as mentioned previously. It is doable. Whether you have an amount of 10, 100 or 1000 you still have to plant the seed to attract opportunities and prosperity in days and, have the right mental aptitude and attitude for being open to the opportunities and prosperity coming your way.
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Your direction and how opportunity reaches you is fed by your choice. |
People like you who have shifted their mindset:
FROM solely working for others = generating cash flows only for employers = being available to employers implicitly,
TO, realising yourself as a valuable business commodity for your privately created business that is ‘Company YOU’; will thrive. Remember, you are content + your content = currency. The time and effort that you put in to the salaried or voluntary work that you are tied into, you can place a smaller, starter, investment into ‘Company YOU’ and reap more of the rewards. will thrive. Remember, you are content + your content = currency. The time and effort that you put in to the salaried or voluntary work that you are tied into, you can place a smaller, starter, investment into ‘Company YOU’ and reap more of the rewards.
Would you like to see the others that were once like you and that have shifted their mindset...
through using positive steps they are attracting opportunities and living in:
North America...
They have made the pieces of their puzzle work for them and dissolved the thought shackles that once held them prisoner against attracting opportunities and prosperity in days. The positive steps are designed with efficiency in mind. After all, your goal is not for you to become an overworked slave, dismissing your friends and family, and clocking hours and hours of effort that give you zero return physically and psychologically. Your goal is for you to grow your opportunities and prosperity in days through your ‘Company YOU’ to enable better benefits, advantages and momentum with ease and simplicity.
through using positive steps they are attracting opportunities and living in:
North America...
They have made the pieces of their puzzle work for them and dissolved the thought shackles that once held them prisoner against attracting opportunities and prosperity in days. The positive steps are designed with efficiency in mind. After all, your goal is not for you to become an overworked slave, dismissing your friends and family, and clocking hours and hours of effort that give you zero return physically and psychologically. Your goal is for you to grow your opportunities and prosperity in days through your ‘Company YOU’ to enable better benefits, advantages and momentum with ease and simplicity.
A negative person will not survive the journey of changes in how to attract opportunities and prosperity in days, weeks, months and years. These are the people to stay away from. If you are married to such a person, you will need to find like minded individuals who are engaged in how to attract opportunities and prosperity in 30, 60, 90, 120 days, through online forums, books, face to face networking events, VOIP personal development training and social groups.
If you are dating or engaged to be married to a negative partner ask yourself Why?
- What is (or was) the beneficial thing that this person brings into your life; that you need, right now and in the next three months?
- Why will this negative partner be an asset to your delivery of opportunities and prosperity?
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Positive steps into social mobility brings opportunity and prosperity. Fact. Guaranteed. |
Negative People. How to attract opportunities and prosperity in days through positive steps is not for you.
- People who are negative of what you are doing in trying to better yourself and your situation, will try to degrade you and then ask for proof of whatever you are entering into. You are not beholden to negative people, or people that burden you with their sick mindsets. You decide whether you choose to disclose your rewards, opportunities and prosperity to complete strangers over the Internet. Not the other way around. These strangers are the ones that you do not need to form an alliance with. When you attend events to attract opportunities and prosperity you are naturally aligning yourself with like minded people and sharing experiences. This is where you will thrive. This is where the synergies happen.
- People that believe that ALL opportunities are scams have an underlying fear of success including what success brings and/or have a hidden agenda with you. These negative people will do what it takes to try and terrorise you and try to stop you from getting any further in life. This is where the strength in your mindset and the strength in who you are is important. So make yourself accessible to positive people and have a strategy for dealing with negative people who try to get in your way.
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When you choose scepticism and negativity you seal a door to opportunity and prosperity. |
- People who are sceptical of the opportunities available to you through the technological advancements that we now coexist with, believe that opportunities and prosperity that are not through hard work and resulting in a weekly or monthly pay packet, is not real and therefore cannot help you to develop in the ways that they were brought up to believe in.
- People who wallow around in self righteousness have a scepticism that has developed through age and beliefs, taking delight in the setbacks of people who strive for a better life through the use of the Internet. These negative people mainly harness bad news as they watch the Internet unfold and are thus sceptical of opportunities and prosperity, not gained through hard work and resulting in a weekly or monthly pay packet.
- Sceptical people are not ready to accept that they can attract opportunities and prosperity with unconventional methods and techniques.
- Sceptical people do not see how attracting opportunities and prosperity can work for them.
- Sceptical people cannot understand the positive mindsets and actions of people who have surpassed them in life. Especially when, to them, the actions look too effortless. Or, the actions appear as excessive tinkering or reading to ever bring anything positive, in anyone’s life.
- People who have the strong belief that accessing opportunities and prosperity delivers more unwanted responsibility, will shy away from it. Even when the opportunities and the prosperity is laid before them. Such people will turn their backs on it for fear of the unknown, whilst becoming overwhelmed from the mind chatter that inundates them with shackled thoughts.
- People who are not willing to invest time and money within themselves are not going to be able to attract opportunities and prosperity. Ever.
- People who are not wiling to take actions through beneficial, ordinary, ‘as and when’ instructions are not going to be able to attract opportunities and prosperity. Ever.
- People who are seeking a millionaire lifestyle within the next 24 hours and they have less than 50 pence in their bank account, have not arrived at an alignment within themselves and their thought pattern. An alignment and balance in methods, techniques, pattern and process will attract opportunities and prosperity in days instead of a wishful 24 hours. The synchronisation of time and opportunity is not going to happen for you if you are continually chasing 24 hours with 50 pence in your wallet, purse, bag, shoe, hat and wishing to be a millionaire. Negative people shackle their own thoughts and often blame disconnects as a fault belonging to others. Or stemming from others.
- People going through mental, emotional and physical upheavals and not being able to cope with the changes and challenges in their life often exude negative vibes, frequently stating that they know everything and consequentially are not prepared to wait for the gem of information that they do not know. How many times have you heard this:
“...because it all sounds to similar to what I already know. So therefore, I already know what you are saying. This is nothing new. Tell me something that I do not know.” You can be sure that many of these people would not share beneficial information to help you. Yet, they demand to be helped whilst maintaining their character disposition of
reaping all possible rewards. All of us have had an experience of someone in this category.
- People who disbelieve in others who do not look like them, blinker the opportunities to attract positive things their way.
- People who disbelieve in others that look better than them, have jealousy and greed at the forefront of their mindsets and blinker the opportunities to attract things their way.
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Only YOU know the answer to this. Deny it and it will show up clearly to those around you. |
As you previously read, even if you are not a negative person you must try not to be around negative people for longer than you have to. Particularly 24/7. Even if you are living with someone or married to someone that you consider to be negative, you have to find a place of tranquility to keep their negative aspects away from you. At least for a few hours each and every day.
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Make the positive steps your actions, because these actions are your investment to bring you rewards. |
Know that social mobility is the silent ambassador of your brand. Using your positive steps momentum, you will quickly find out which level of awareness and empowerment that you are at, what steps to focus on, and what NOT to focus on. With as little as 1 hour per day, you can finally start building some momentum with your ‘Company YOU’ and initiate attracting opportunities and prosperity in days. Everything you need WILL come to you at a perfect time through the positive steps that you commence. This is how it works.
How to attract opportunities and prosperity in days will only resonate with some people. Regardless of wherever in the world you are. Whether you are male or female. Whether you are a Catholic, a Protestant, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Sikh, a Buddhist, a man, a woman, fat, thin, old, young, tall, short, educated, minimum schooling, an expat, a foreign speaker, military personnel, a civilian, celibate, lesbian, transgender, homosexual, in part time employment, a consultant, etc. It is the similarity of mindset that links you all together, as you all understand the journey that others have taken and succeeded. You understand the journey that others are NOW making and taking things to the next level of opportunities and prosperity. YOU understand the starting point of a journey is to put into action the beneficial, 'ordinary', sustainable and specific steps and actions to attracting opportunities and prosperity in days.
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The choice is always yours when you make the positive steps to opportunity and prosperity. |
Always remember that physical forms change over time and does not last forever, however the legacy that YOU create stays.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is like a one-stop-shop for YOUR social etiquette basics. Your social etiquette basics that will enhance your personal and professional advancements through opportunities and prosperity in days.
IF one-stop-shops also offered bespoke services.
If you have reached this point in the page, it is your decision to want to find out more. There is something inside of you ready to make the change and leading you to get more support, guidance and help to access how to attract opportunities and prosperity in days. This is something that you are telling yourself. The words on the page are simply telling you what you need confirming, in order to move forward and attract opportunities and prosperity in days. Your interest is strong and you are looking to move forward with the ‘as and when’ actions. This is not rocket science. Just a set of actions which help you to Stop, Get Ready and Go. Much the same as a traffic light system - Red, Amber, Green.
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Only you know when you are ready to apply the positive steps, in order to bring you opportunities and prosperity in days. |
Risk = Reward. Life is a risk.
Leverage the risk with the reward.
Make the risk work for you to bring opportunities on auto pilot.
Question #2: "What are the benefits to YOU when you take the positive steps into social mobility?"
Answer: The secret of positive steps into social mobility is that it puts the spotlight on you and your own results which will deliver the opportunities and prosperity to take you to your next level in awareness and empowerment.
Question #3: "SO how much exactly are the steps going to cost?"
REALISATION: If you don’t take action to change your life; which is ‘Company YOU’, your life will not change.
Join the people living in Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Deutschland, Espana, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Sverige, Thailand, UK, USA... who are already taking positive steps into social mobility.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is here to help you access your opportunities and prosperity, find the people who will connect with you through synergies, increase your personal and professional development and not waste time on pointless actions.
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Positive steps = Actions. How confident are you to REJECT the opportunities and prosperity calling you? |
The journey to accessing opportunities and prosperity in its simplest form is like a card game of SNAP! Or the board game Mah-jong. Your action will deliver a reaction. An external action will invite your reaction to harness an opportunity.
Spoiler Alert: Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is already viewed by people from 20+ countries (Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Deutschland, Espana, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Sverige, Thailand, UK, USA.... and counting).
Question #4: "You still need convincing and a sneak peek of the positive steps would help make up your mind?"
Answer: YES PLEASE! Count me in for the sneak peek!
Well then buy the book and be navigated to a variety of places and situations that will deliver your opportunities and prosperity just like those who already have the positive steps in the 20+ countries. Experience what it is really like to access opportunities and prosperity in days through your positive steps in to social mobility. Plus, the people that you will meet along the way and help you gain more opportunities and prosperity.
About YOU
YOU are the driving force behind your opportunities and prosperity. Where are you from? Have you started your personal development yet? Where are you right now on this journey? As soon as you let yourself go from the thought shackles, your life will begin to change for the better when you take the support, guidance and help through your actions with Positive Steps into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment, to YOUR next level. You can get started straightaway with the steps and if you choose you can leave a comment below and let me know where you are right now in life.
And if you have found this FREE article by chance. Please share it and help to bring opportunities to like minded others that you know. Spread the mindset that the two of us share with attracting opportunities and prosperity in days through doable actions.
YOU MUST NOT let anyone lead you to believe that you cannot do this.
And a bit more…. but I do not want to overwhelm you with opportunities that come your way!
Just what you need, when you need it.
Attract your opportunities and prosperity TODAY for one payment of under £10
(Cue: the harps playing as you make your first positive step)
Thank you for engaging with this FIRST STEP to attract opportunities + prosperity in days.
(Cue the sound of an orchestral choir just for you)
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility was put together because Diana and I wanted to create a GENEROUS amount of positive steps value at a price point that YOU could easily afford. You WILL receive the warts and all experiences (and mistakes) that we had made in the early years, plus those errors made by other professionals. We made the awkward steps that led to positive steps to attracting opportunities and prosperity. Now YOU have the chance to access how to attract opportunities and prosperity in days through positive steps.