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Showing posts with the label Attract Life Sales

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Help from Camille

The promise of this transitional and transformational social mobility experience is that it can help you to overcome: 😡 a feeling of being perturbed,  😡 a feeling of social apprehensiveness, anxiety, uneasiness and trepidation, when meeting new people. Instead, through Positive Steps Into Social Mobility:  1. You shall connect with YOUR big vision of you all through the experience of achievement escalation.  2. You shall feel a level of success and elevation within yourself.  3. You shall feel a growth in confidence.  4. You shall feel engaged with a changed mindset that dispels the negativity and shackles of others that had hurt your feelings before and whose role in life IS solely to hold you back from moving forward and attaining further opportunities; where you have the propensity to gain further advantages and progression through a visibility of who you are and what you can offer, in a way that sits well with you.  5. You shall strategise with your ...