A woman of colour living and revealing the positive steps in social mobility
“Welcome to our society. You will be judged on what you wear, which music you listen to, what you look like, how you act, who you hang ’round with, and on practically every other personal trait and imperfection about you, and you’ll be made fun of for being who you are. Enjoy your stay.”
Bleak picture?
Let me stand on my soap box on the corner of Hyde Park Corner and add my two pence to it and make it even bleaker.
I absolutely detest arrogant people and back stabbers who trample over good people, decent people, hard working people, because they feel as though they have a right to do so because of their perceived 'intelligence', skin colour, connections in society and wealth.
And I pray every day that I don’t get caught up in this evil ever. Hear. Hear.
How about you? What is one thing in the society that you absolutely can not stand.