Our Silver Service “Believe In You” events are temporarily on hold and will resume as soon as possible. In the meantime... SO most people are experiencing self-isolation, social distancing or a form of lock-down/curfew. The question you ask yourself is how do I bounce back from this and enable a better restart of my life. A restart that will rekindle my social mobility. Now, a question to you. Placing yourself in a poor family home how much thought would you give yourself to changing your circumstances? As a child in that household. As a parent in that household. The answer is that most families or a person in that family has to emigrate to a more social acceptance wealthy country. Or someone has to enter into education and use education as a tool to get on board the track to enter a better life. What they both lead to is a social choice. Stay where you are and as you are. Or make a move to enable a better lifestyle for the long-term. Social mobility is a ch...
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility Awareness and Empowerment. Essential social mobility experience steps leading to life benefits. Helping you get what you want out of life. ‘Believe In You’ and gain professional, social & personal transition. Time to BELIEVE and tap into YOUR OPPORTUNITIES. Taking you by the hand with easy steps into Your Life As A Business. Open YOUR opportunities in YOUR life progression. Everyone has a super power in their social mobility. Use yours!