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Showing posts with the label TOP UK Diaspora

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: April + Believe In You event

BEST TOP RECOMMENDED Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment Make the leap into April + Believe In You... Why not! It annoys me that you allow others who are already gaining from social mobility to influence YOU negatively, keeping you shackled to what they believe is right for you? Camille Lansiquot “ Social mobility.  The same words mean different things to different people.  One person's need to live a better life, is another person's view of an upstart. As the more you ask WHY?, the more you dare to become.” Joseph Hendricks Cepal NEWS UPDATE : Keeping things small, cosy and comfortable.  Currently accepting only 11 guests per month. Register for information and a personal invitation .  The next chance to reserve your place at our friendly and welcoming event is now for April 2019.  April 2019 standby list is now available. March video ready for viewing! Enrol to access your BEST positive steps...

WHY social mobility? Why not! Camille reveals.

BEST TOP RECOMMENDED Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment WHY Social Mobility?... Why not! WHY is it that you allow others who would never enter into social mobility to influence YOU, keeping you shackled to what they believe is right for you? Camille Lansiquot “ Social mobility.  The same words mean different things to different people.  One person's need to live a better life, is another person's view of an upstart. As the more you ask WHY?, the more you dare to become.” Joseph Hendricks Cepal NEWS UPDATE : Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is now accepting cryptocurrency for payments to events. Keeping things small, cosy and comfortable.  Currently accepting only 11 individuals per month for the "Believe In You" dining & conversation event. Register for a personal invitation .  The next chance to reserve your place at our friendly and welcoming event is now for next month.  The standby list ...