13 Reasons You’ll Adore Positive Steps Into Social Mobility
Camille Lansiquot
Hello curious reader!
I want you to try the 13 reasons to choose Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment at my risk. Because I know it works but you don’t …yet!
If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, I want you to immediately cease trying and experiencing the 13 reasons that will lead you to more positive steps into social mobility and return to your ‘stuck in a loop’ inconstant existence where you are right now. I mean it, you don’t have to do anything else, just stay exactly where you are with chances passing you by. I don’t even want a penny from your newly created fortune when you do decide to try the 13 reasons again. You can keep it. Plain and simple. Do what you want with it. Give it away to someone else who will be attracted to your newly found wealth and will be rubbing their hands with glee and greed to open doors for you for US$10,000’s.
I value our relationship and my reputation for far more than a few thousand euros, dollars, pounds, yen, etc. So please, try 13 reasons to choose Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment for... within 24 hours (even though you will gain rewards and chances during your lifetime with this, I am giving you within 24 hours to be completely sure and utterly satisfied with this foundation in trying and experiencing 13 reasons to choose Positive Steps Into Social Mobility) I won’t take anything less!
So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the right fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in yourself.
If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, I want you to immediately cease trying and experiencing the 13 reasons that will lead you to more positive steps into social mobility and return to your ‘stuck in a loop’ inconstant existence where you are right now. I mean it, you don’t have to do anything else, just stay exactly where you are with chances passing you by. I don’t even want a penny from your newly created fortune when you do decide to try the 13 reasons again. You can keep it. Plain and simple. Do what you want with it. Give it away to someone else who will be attracted to your newly found wealth and will be rubbing their hands with glee and greed to open doors for you for US$10,000’s.
I value our relationship and my reputation for far more than a few thousand euros, dollars, pounds, yen, etc. So please, try 13 reasons to choose Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment for... within 24 hours (even though you will gain rewards and chances during your lifetime with this, I am giving you within 24 hours to be completely sure and utterly satisfied with this foundation in trying and experiencing 13 reasons to choose Positive Steps Into Social Mobility) I won’t take anything less!
So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the right fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in yourself.
Scroll down to the end and click 'Online Store' to buy now
As time is of the essence for you, let us crack on
Today I want to talk to you about the reasons I adore ‘Positive Steps Into Social Mobility’ and you’ll adore it too. I started my social mobility from an early age when I knew that I was not meant for the small village mindset that I grew up in. I observed the community and felt inside that I did not belong there. That there was more to life than just staying and doing what everyone else did. Conforming to their lot. I did not have a clear picture of where my
change would come from but I knew that I needed the change.
I wanted to progress and amount to more than what my parents, grandparents and the elders of the village became. I definitely liked education; I got that from my father’s side of the family. I was not a sporty person but I enjoyed reading books and letting my imagination flow. I wanted to be an elegant lady with simple but good taste and style, remaining feminine yet letting my driven ambition deliver the change that I yearned for from the rigid, harsh,
strict, ‘stay in your box’ and ‘know your place’ characters from the Caribbean community that I grew up in.
Whilst I was doing my research in how to make the necessary steps to a better social change as a young woman, I was looking for something cost free to help me progress in moving out of the community at the time because I was just beginning to understand that there was more of the world that I could fit into or create and progress in. The
feeling was thrilling, exhilarating and scary for me. Especially as I was a shy, obedient child who found it challenging to speak up for myself in private, never mind public situations. So even before the concept of ‘Positive Steps Into Social Mobility’ was formed I read books that were specific to the etiquette advancements of young
ladies. Really old books with illustrations of elegant white affluent women as courtiers, hostesses and guests. But as much as I daydreamed about being in that life, the reality of my having dark skin did not match that of the life that was portrayed to me from the books. The women did not look like me. The women did not appear to come from an impoverished, disadvantaged or marginalised background. The images did not reflect my experiences and where I was coming from. The social mobility and etiquette text in the main seemed so far removed from where I was. I knew that I wanted to live the lifestyle that the book was describing but it always seemed too far away to reach.
As I grew older, I travelled, I met different people, I listened a lot to the life experiences of others, I dated people of different nationalities and class. My knowledge database was growing. Expanding through the interactions with different people, work and social environments. Making many trial and error social mobility and etiquette steps. The errors were painful and embarrassing yet in their way they were perfect because it gave my ego a bruising when I
thought that I knew everything. Many times I was winging it, guessing what to do in a certain situation, guessing what to say, ashamed of my dialect, ashamed of my stammer. So many mistakes. Mistakes that haunted my inner, sweet, innocent child, that is essentially me. Deep within me. The essence of me. The core of me.
As my co-author Diana agrees, the social and etiquette mistakes makes us stronger and appreciative as a person through our desire to be the best that we can be as a human being. For me as a professional lady. As a Black woman. As an associate. As a colleague. As a friend. As a mother. As a wife. As an individual.
If you are starting out on this journey of social mobility, use the experiences, guidance and support from ‘Positive Steps Into Social Mobility’ to set you on your way, in the best way. In a positive way. Especially if you are still that sweet, innocent, shy, child within.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility…Here are just 13 reasons why you shall adore it.
1. Portable.
2. Easy to read, understand and use.
3. Your Personal Private Assistant to Social Mobility and Etiquette steps.
4. Instruction friendly.
5. Affordable.
6. Easy to do with examples of situations given.
7. Enabling your first impression to others to have an appearance of natural development. Giving you more substance.
8. 24/7, 365 days Private support as and when you need it for an occasion.
9. Your user experience increases.
10. Meeting your social priorities and surpassing them.
11. Enabling your ability to mix with other like-minded social mobility individuals.
12. Real time functions.
13. Enabling your content to become currency.
So that sums it up my dear visitor, these are just 13 reasons what I adore about ‘Positive Steps Into Social Mobility’ and I know that you shall adore them too.
Now over to you…
Have you placed your name down for an invitation to a Silver Service event yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Procrastination is the enemy to your social mobility opportunities. Remember, YOU are CONTENT and your content equals CURRENCY.
Onwards and upwards!
The fact that you are still here with me reading this, shows YOUR willingness to make the steps that takes YOUR content and value it as a viable currency option. This is YOUR testament in itself.