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Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: December + Believe In You event


BEST TOP RECOMMENDED Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment

  December Opportune + Believe In You... Why not!

It annoys me that you allow others who are already gaining from social mobility to influence YOU negatively, keeping you shackled to what they believe is right for you?

Camille Lansiquot

Social mobility.  The same words mean different things to different people. 
One person's need to live a better life, is another person's view of an upstart.
As the more you ask WHY?, the more you dare to become.”
Joseph Hendricks Cepal

NEWS UPDATE: Keeping things small, cosy and comfortable.  Currently accepting only 11 guests per month. Register for information and a personal invitation.  The next chance to reserve your place at our friendly and welcoming event is now for December 2019.  December 2019 standby list is now available. November video ready for viewing! Enrol to access your BEST positive steps towards a social mobility opportunity.

PLUS. Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is now accepting payments in cryptocurrency. So now you can use your cryptocurrency to your social mobility steps?

Hello curious passerby,

I want you to try successful dining with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment at my risk. Because I know it works but you don’t …yet!

If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, I want you to immediately halt any form of 'How to' dining experience with potential contacts through the assistance of Positive Steps and return to your hit and miss, ‘stuck in a rut’ situations at events. I mean it, you don’t have to do anything else, just stay exactly where you are peddling on the same old, same old ‘hamster wheel of fortune’. I don’t even want your money for the subsequent events of Positive Steps Into Social Mobility. Please keep your money. Give it away to someone else who will hold your hand and open doors for you for US$10,000’s.

I value our relationship and my reputation for more; way beyond more, than a few thousand euros, dollars, pounds, yen, etc. So please, try successful dining with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment for...ONE evening (even though you will gain rewards and opportunities during your lifetime with this, I am giving you ONE evening to be completely sure and utterly satisfied with this quintessential collection that you can read comfortably in the comfort of your own home, accessing friendly guidance from tried and tested situations on the first positive steps to your foundation on how to successfully take part in introductions and dine well through the do's and dont's with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment).  I won’t take anything less!

Warning! Opportunities will commence to open up for you once you start on this journey. Are you ready for opportunities in your life right now? If YES! Take the next step below.  If NO. I wish you a fond farewell. Social Mobility is not for you.

So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the right fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in yourself.

Scroll down to the end and click 'Online Store' to buy now

Time to get started on this journey of yours and get you ready for opportunity

WHY is it that you allow others who would never enter into social mobility influence YOU, keeping you shackled to what they believe?

HOW is it that you are living your life for them? For the growing number of people that are holding you back from what you truly want to do. That is.  Moving ahead in life.

WHEN instead you turn DEAF, DUMB and BLIND to social mobility.

WHERE the sole purpose of combined steps increases opportunities to seek you, yet you run away from it.

Social Mobility (definition and meaning)
Social mobility is the movement of individuals, like you. Families like yours. Plus, other categories of people similar to you who are within or between a social strata in a society. The mobility is a change in social status relative to your social location within a given society.

The movement can be in a downward or upward direction. There are numerous methods and techniques to access social mobility through Absolute Social Mobility and Relative Social Mobility.

Absolute social mobility refers to the overall numbers of people like you who end up in a different layer of stratification from that of their parents.

Relative social mobility refers to the differences in opportunities for someone like you in attaining a certain outcome, regardless of overall structural changes.
The use of social mobility for you is important in providing pathways to greater equality in societies with high social inequality.

Social Mobility is most often measured in terms of a change in economic mobility, such as changes in income or wealth. Occupation is another measure used in social mobility.

In general, social mobility is highly dependent on the overall structure of social statuses and occupations in a given society. Different times of history and different locations around the world place variables on social mobility, such as your gender, ethnicity and age in order to regulate the level of movement into social mobility.

As we are at the start of the 21st Century, the momentum for awareness and empowerment from social mobility is being awakened in ordinary people who see a brighter future for themselves through various advancements, for example technology and spirituality.

You desire a better future for yourself. You want a better future for yourself. You must have a better future for yourself.

Ordinary people desire a better future. Ordinary people want a better future. For themselves. For their children. For their community. This is as more and more people become connected and knowledgeable of the potential for opportunities.

Do you know the saying "God helps those who help themselves."  Well, it is true.  You shall know how to help yourself.

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the BEST TOP RECOMMENDED Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment.

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment


My name is Camille Lansiquot.  You can call me Camille.

I am going to tell you how I engaged with social mobility and the people who tried to bully me.   Trample on me.  Including how groups of individuals with fear based egos try to bully people like me.   People like you.   Wanting to get ahead in life, to live a better life.


Whatever you do...
Whatever you do in life, you are bound to experience social mobility as you move from one set of circumstances to the next, circumstances with co-incidences that enables you to move ahead in your life. For example, having an education. Having an education is a social mobility. Whether it is from the University of Life or an academic place of study.

First and foremost. As with everything, it is what YOU DO with the tools and resources that you have, that dictates how this aspect of social mobility benefits you.

Secondary is:
How it benefits your family.
How it benefits your community.
How it benefits your professional development and your work partners.

In essence it all begins with YOU. You put the effort in, and you receive the reward.

People like you who have already taken their first and subsequent steps into social mobility, gather speed through being able to readily utilise social circumstances to their benefit.

When you start from the lowest point in your life...
You have been at the lower social positions. You survived it. You gained strength of character from it. You are mentally and/or physically scarred from the experiences. NOW the only way is UP. You are determined to make it in life. You are determined to change your set of circumstances. Why not you? Why not now?

1. You still have the fear of not being acknowledged with anything special.
2. You still have the fear of being a fraud amongst special people.
3. You still have the fear of not being accepted by people better than you?
4. You still have many fears and these fears hound you during the day and during the night.

You fight with yourself, in your head, about how inadequate you are and how no-one gives you a chance in life.

You are ready for the greatest step forward. You truly, truly are. The greatest step out of your comfort zone. The greatest step away from your fears.

There are many people who were once where you are right now, from all across the world, who are looking to help others similar to themselves into social mobility. These particular groups of people have this innate need to help others who remind them of themselves, wanting to get ahead in life from a position of social and professional poverty, negligence, setbacks, hardships and barriers.

Sometimes those that are ahead in social mobility see an aspect of their beloved mother, father, brother, or sister in others; such as you, feeling a need to help you because of this remembrance.

Know thy enemy
The other side to that is that there are people who were born into, or, are deeply ingrained into the abuse of social mobility in a morbid manner.
Due to their established family or social connections they will use you like a slave through your lack of know how in social mobility AND through your goodwill to others. Many of us have made the steps into social mobility from an impoverished or ‘deficient’ upbringing, having experienced such rudeness in people. These types of people are to be avoided at all costs.
You do not have your name associated with them.
You do not give them the time of day.
You do not connect with them on social media.
You do not connect with them professionally.
Once you give these ill-mannered people the use of your name, your time and your money, they WILL use and abuse you until you cease to be useful to them. They WILL and they DO trample on you. You have been warned.


Let no-one take that away from you.  Especially not complete strangers.  Never mind the members of your own family or community.

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment

Beyond the pale
I will give you one example of how I came across such despicable people. Pompous in the extreme. About 22 years ago I was attending a private club event with two other friends in London. An event where One had to purchase a ticket. The ticket included a welcome glass of champagne per guest. Our arrival was sufficient as stated on the event guidance. As I enquired at the bar about a glass of champagne, I was informed by the bartender that the champagne had finished and he nodded towards a group of pompous white people, who were fairly rowdy and had several empty glasses by them at a table.

A number of them looked at me as if to suggest that I should NOT be in attendance at such a place as this, unless I was a part of the waiting staff. Some of these people I had recognised from a previous social event a year earlier in Stockholm, Sweden. They had portrayed the same bad manners to other guests and saw no shame in stealing drinks off the tables of others.

Recognise it as it is

One of the men then came over to me and gave me an order to provide more drinks to the group. Meaning that I should pay for their drinks. The bartender looked mortified and another waiting staff was shocked by the rudeness of this particular guest. Needless to say, I dealt with the situation in the best way possible. I stood tall and confident in my stature. Ignoring the idiot, I asked the waiting staff if they knew the whereabouts of the host. Having received the reply, I gave my thanks and elegantly turned away in the direction of where the host was to be found. Which fortuitously was where my other two friends were, as they were having a conversation with the host; whom they both knew.

Goodness, I could tell you several encounters with such vulgar, pompous people. When you attend one of our Silver Service dining events more will be divulged by our members. In order to stand you in good stead from such situations. The sharing of experiences will stand you in good stead. We have all been through such rudeness and come out at the other end more victorious THROUGH THE POSITIVE STEPS that you will get to know.


Opportunities gathering pace
But for now, this is not solely about those types of pompous fools. Within Positive Steps Into Social Mobility there is an insight into such people and their fear of people like you; from humble beginnings, looking different, having strange accents, so on and so forth, moving forward and upwards in society through knowing the actions, behaviours and introductions that will open up opportunities for you.

Opportunities that you gather at a steady pace and are ready to engage with.

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is about YOU and the people like you who are walking through the social barriers and becoming prosperous in doing so with like-minded people across the world.

In social mobility there is a strong connection to emotional psychology to others who are like-minded. This is swiftly followed by HOW can this new introduction be beneficial to a particular situation. Invariably the situation, if it is not apparent immediately, becomes apparent in a short space of time. Some people call it a co-incidence of circumstances.


Invitation, plus one?
I will give you an example. This is where an invitation for a guest plus one, has YOUR NAME written upon it, as the plus one. You become vital as a connection for that new contact that you made at a previous event. Your positive steps enabled and proved to others observing you, that you could be a part of something bigger, better and special through a recommendation.

At events, people will observe how you are dressed and how you conduct yourself.  Like attracts like.  Furthermore, we all know that opposites attract. Sometimes you are lumbered with people that you have not chosen to be with and whom you would not normally wish to associate with. This is where you make your mark to show your calibre of character and strength, so that you come out of the situation victorious and unscathed.

Everything in good time with your positive steps into social mobility

Something as simple as stalking tables for full or half empty wine glasses and drinking the last drop of alcohol, instantly tags a person under many descriptions. Descriptions that you are already thinking of as you visualise the scenario.

Caution! How to be the subject matter of an Embassy event
Imagine observing a guest scratching under their armpits and smelling their hands at a dinner table. This is one sign of social inadequacy to ever be considered as a potential social or professional contact. Even if the guest spoke 10 languages and knew how to waltz. Such a guest failed to observe the dining etiquette, never mind the social etiquette, and continued to show little acknowledgement of the embarrassment that was placed upon the other guests at the table.

I came across such a person at an event. I was in need of someone who was multi-lingual and had an interesting personality who could mix well with a small gathering of people who were invited to an embassy event in Paris, France. Needless to say, this person would have been invaluable, due to the International guest list. However, having observed this armpit scratching behaviour, in special company having this person included as a guest was an absolute NO.

There are certain expectations in social mobility. Once the line of severe social skills deficiency has been crossed it is a matter of proving oneself again and again to ascertain a confidence level and trust from others who may give the benefit of the doubt AND forgive and forget. Even if someone does forgive and forget such an ‘unforgettable’ social episode, the degree of invitations to events for that person will be slim. And the interaction will be negligible. It may be that someone with tact and time, would need to take a person with this lack in social skills to one side. Delicately explaining what they should and should not be doing in company.

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment

How you present yourself is…
How One presents oneself in special or important circumstances is everything. It is crucial.

It can dictate how fortunate you become, through the connections with others who have the ability to bestow you with situations, where you can access opportunities and prosperity. With like-minded people the opportunities and prosperity gathers growth. Sometimes when you enter into social mobility and receive an invitation to an event, or when you choose to take YOUR first step to a ticket held event, YOU are nervous as YOU know very little people at the event.

… OR, as more is the case, YOU know no-one at the event.

In such circumstances YOU have the ability to come away more confidently, with at least one mutually beneficial connection. This, through having had the positive steps into social mobility guide YOU through a situation which YOU are now able to handle with trust and belief in YOURSELF.

Imagine not having that foresight and entering a room full of people and not knowing when to enable a start, or excuse yourself from, a situation.

Do you have an accent or dialect?
Your accent or dialect should never be seen as a hindrance to propelling you further in life.

In fact, it is an ASSET.

It can act as one of the advantageous. It can act as one of your greatest attributes about you that makes people gravitate to you. Your accent, or your dialect, realises your authenticity when connectors are looking for a specific person, who has a particular knowledge or experience from a certain location. That means, YOU. People are looking to connect with YOU and your accent or dialect, is the key to your opportunities.

One of the most common aspects that expats and diasporas have is a gravitation towards other individuals that have similarities or interests to themselves. For example, charity work, fitness, art, literature, science, magic, gardening, the weather and nature, languages, sailing, hill walking, fishing, symbolism and mythology, sport and definitely etiquette. Anything goes. There are no limits. But there are certain conditions in conversations and behaviours that have to be observed in a social setting.

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment

Camille Lansiquot

Please note that this post is the only runway for us to help you help yourself using positive steps into social mobility. What we do is specific and available to our clients who have signed up and seek to attend the Positive Steps Into Social Mobility events. When you enrol with our team we DO NOT overwhelm your inbox with messages. We do not have the time nor the inclination for this. YOU will receive monthly guidance. All of us at Positive Steps Into Social Mobility are busy managing our own positive steps that is bringing opportunities. This in turn is delivering prosperity to us. So if you are serious about wanting to make your first positive steps sign up for the monthly guidance. Seriously.

If you want help into social mobility but cannot attend the events then you can start to help yourself with accessing the positive steps into social mobility by buying the publication. That is your first step. Self help yourself using the positive steps indicated within the book on a daily basis. That is your second step. It works. It works for you. It works now. The question is this: Are you still wearing the shackles that divert you from your advancement? If you want to know what those shackles are you need to sign up and receive the monthly guidance.

Click on Positive Steps Into Social Mobility "Celebration Time!" for a special peek.


A better future awaits you when you acknowledge that positive steps help you to help yourself.
Question:  When you look in the mirror what do you see?
Be sure that if you see your reflection of a person ready for the next positive step to a better lifestyle; as others have, click below to make the next step and make real the promises to yourself with our real-time support.

Help yourself to the steps to access niche small events per month, that are committed to deliver social mobility opportunities for YOU.