Opening Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment
January Opportune + Believe In You... Why not!
It annoys me that you allow others who are already gaining from social mobility to influence YOU negatively, keeping you shackled to what they believe is right for you?
Camille Lansiquot
“Social mobility. The same words mean different things to different people.
One person's need to live a better life, is another person's view of an upstart.
As the more you ask WHY?, the more you dare to become.”
As the more you ask WHY?, the more you dare to become.”
Joseph Hendricks Cepal
Actionable January: Keeping things small, cosy and comfortable. Camille and Diana of Positive Steps Into Social Mobility, plus the whole team, have continued to listen to feedback from previous guests. We have opened the monthly "Believe In You" event for 2020. We are still accepting cryptocurrency for payments to events.
Did you know that we prefer to do events on a small scale, in comfortable surroundings that are welcoming to our special guests. This is in order to give our guests the best experience in social mobility steps? Give "Believe In You" a try to help you gain access through social mobility. It is easy. Others are using the steps and moving ahead, so why should you be held back from opportunities that others are experiencing? Especially if you are a diaspora professional. As a diaspora professional individual there are business owners and affluent people in this world that are looking to engage with you and what you have to offer. They want to do business with you. They want to help like-minded people as you get ahead in life. Opening your social mobility steps. If this suits you then get access today.
Currently accepting only 11 guests per month. Register for information and a personal invitation. The next chance to reserve your place at our friendly and welcoming event is now for February 2020. February 2020 standby list is now available. January video ready for viewing! Enrol to access your positive steps towards a social mobility opportunity.
Enrol with us to attend one of our events. If you are unable to attend an event then it is important that you start your journey by purchasing your copy of the Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment guidance book, to help you on your way to opportunities. Everything starts from this guidebook.
Do you know what opportunity likes? Opportunity loves being in the hands of opportunists who know how to galvanise positive steps to yield prosperity. Opportunity also loves momentum. So make a start and get your copy of Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment to enable your situation change. We are telling you the stuff that others are already using, but you are not implementing.
Here is the solution that you have been looking for. Let Positive Steps Into Social Mobility show you how to get results. Our ‘Believe In You’ events can help to move you from your Dread Situation to your Dream Situation with at least a 5% improvement in your circumstance. Does this look doable to you? Most people achieve a 20% improvement when they first use the guidance from Positive Steps Into Social Mobility.
Your objective is this, YOU want to get ahead in life (professionally, socially, personally) from the situation that you find yourself in now. You want everything now, but you are finding it extremely difficult not so much in getting the directions to change your situation, but mainly in the momentum for things to change for you. You want a dynamic shift in your situation, but all you seem to get are tiny changes or stagnant/dead end resolve. Instead of chasing the 100% change that you wanted yesterday, how about using the stepping stones that can deliver 5%, 15%, 20%, 40%, 80% and eventually arriving at 100%. Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is there to help you open a door to life changing purpose and is your ‘go to’ as you are a person who is hungry for a product and service that takes you from your position of Dread to Dream. It is doable only if you are able to follow instructions and actually DO what is asked of you. This will only work for people who are able to ASK for help and take appropriate actions. For people who do not take appropriate actions or even ask for help, perhaps you should use a Gratitude Notebook to help shift your mindset and spiritual momentum that can work for you instead of against you.
Be sure that I and my team understand your predicament. Plus your urgency to a better life situation. Professionally. Socially. Personally.
#Positive Steps Into Social Mobility, #2020 Diaspora Etiquette guidebook, #2020 Diaspora Social Mobility guidebook, #HNW Diaspora Individual, #UHNW Diaspora, #Believe In You dining & conversation events, #Diaspora Professional Social Mobility, #Silver Service for Diaspora, #European Diaspora
All of our events are located in Europe, predominantly but not exclusive to London. Our events are also located in the Alsace region of France. The selection of restaurants are specific to our Silver Service events with the collaboration of the restaurant staff. All creeds, nationalities and races are welcomed at our specially selected restaurants that provide Silver Service. We are a Black owned organisation and we want to make sure that our clients who are people of colour are well looked after at our European events.
+ Experience what our previous guests have enjoyed.
+ Accepting 11 individuals only per month, so that you are not greatly overwhelmed from the "Believe In You" experience.
+ Sign up to Positive Steps Into Social Mobility to reserve your place for the next "Believe In You" dining and conversation event.
+ YOUR positive steps towards a social mobility opportunity is closer than you realise. Especially when you "Believe In You".
+ It is important and crucial that you purchase your copy of the Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment personal assistant guidebook, that is used to help you during a "Believe In You" event and during your current life situation. The reason for the importance and the urgency is because we know it works but you don’t …yet!
👥 Helping you get what you want out of life. Camille Lansiquot and Diana Thulare
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness & Empowerment
📧 Contact Camille at
📧 Contact Diana at
💎 “Believe In You” dining & conversation event for Shy professionals,
💎 “Believe In You” dining & conversation event for Introvert professionals,
💎 “Believe In You” dining & conversation event for Autistic professionals,
💎 Best Diaspora Silver Service Event incorporating British system of Etiquette/Good Manners,
💎 Best Diaspora Social Mobility Events,
💎 Diaspora Professional Social Mobility,
💎 Positive Steps Into Social Mobility,
💎 Understanding Silver Service as a Social Mobility,
💎 UK Commonwealth Social Mobility.