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Positive Steps Into Social Mobility, Camille That is what I want, September 2020

Our Silver Service “Believe In You” events are temporarily on hold and will resume as soon as possible. In the meantime...

SO most people are experiencing self-isolation, social distancing or a form of lock-down/curfew.

The question you ask yourself is how do I bounce back from this and enable a better restart of my life. A restart that will rekindle my social mobility.

Now, a question to you. Placing yourself in a poor family home how much thought would you give yourself to changing your circumstances? As a child in that household. As a parent in that household.

The answer is that most families or a person in that family has to emigrate to a more social acceptance wealthy country. Or someone has to enter into education and use education as a tool to get on board the track to enter a better life. What they both lead to is a social choice. Stay where you are and as you are. Or make a move to enable a better lifestyle for the long-term. Social mobility is a choice. The two most common decisions for entering into social mobility:

1. It is a choice that many parents want for themselves through their children.

2. It is a choice that some members of a family want through an observation aversion of their community.

So what does social mobility get for me? What do I get out of it?

First you need to have a good idea of what you want in your life. If you keep chopping and changing your ideas the journey will be choppy and changing and you will receive what you want much further down the line in life. OR. You will receive a hybrid (a Frankenstein-type) of your idea, or a small insignificant section if it. This is when you start you blaming others for not receiving what you asked for. When in truth you had little idea and was unclear as to what you wanted in the first place.

What is it that I have to give in order to get?

But before you get to receiving what you want, first you have to ask the question how does social mobility work for you? What is it that you have to give in order to get? The risk = reward manoeuvre.

Everything starts with you. That means that who you are as person matters. Your personality and character type will attract specific types of movers and shakers who will align with you and what you have to offer. It is always up to you if you wish to take what is being offered to you, or to decline it. Very action has a reaction. Each fork in the road (a metaphor for making a decision) leads to a new path.

It is important that when you enter into social mobility that you look upon yourself as a business. Your life is a business. Your content is a business. Your social mobility evaluation matters when deciding upon which opportunities to take. As a result the quality of your prosperity will depend upon the quality of the opportunities that you take.

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility, Camille That is what I want, September 2020

Everyone has a social mobility journey. Where do you want yours to take you?

👥 Helping you get what you want out of life. Camille Lansiquot and Diana Thulare

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness & Empowerment

📧 Contact Camille at

📧 Contact Diana at

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Positive Steps Into Social Mobility