Positive Steps Into Social Mobility
Where Do Most Black Entrepreneurs Live?
What Problems Are There With Black Businesses?
When the purpose of combined steps amplifies opportunities to seek you. "Believe In You"
Camille Lansiquot
Where do most Black entrepreneurs live?
They live everywhere. It is their driven motivation, mission and spark of an idea that propels them to seeking a chance for their business to thrive and that can enable their growth. Black entrepreneurs exist in villages, towns and cities. Most, but not all, are well educated and come from poor or working class backgrounds. Once they have created a successful business they have the ability to scale up further business ideas much more speedily as their social circle and business connection grow through their social mobility. They understand what social mobility means to them. They understand what social mobility can deliver to them. In the main most Black entrepreneurs reside in the USA and the UK. Their attainment to live a good life is what drives them to success. Success as it means to them and no-one else. Most Black entrepreneurs plan their advancement through better education, knowledge and residing in a good area.
They live everywhere. It is their driven motivation, mission and spark of an idea that propels them to seeking a chance for their business to thrive and that can enable their growth. Black entrepreneurs exist in villages, towns and cities. Most, but not all, are well educated and come from poor or working class backgrounds. Once they have created a successful business they have the ability to scale up further business ideas much more speedily as their social circle and business connection grow through their social mobility. They understand what social mobility means to them. They understand what social mobility can deliver to them. In the main most Black entrepreneurs reside in the USA and the UK. Their attainment to live a good life is what drives them to success. Success as it means to them and no-one else. Most Black entrepreneurs plan their advancement through better education, knowledge and residing in a good area.
When Black entrepreneurs live in a good area they live life to their new heightened level. They live well. They live with discernment of others in their locality. Social mobility at this stage is also levelled up. They are stronger mentally to handle the next phase of their life through absorbing the fundamentals of social mobility. Their life purpose becomes more high achieving as their business grows. This also includes a growth in life experiences, knowledge, circle of friends and connections to business colleagues.
What problems are there with Black businesses?
A main problem with some Black businesses is representing themselves well to the purse holders. The Black business owner may well suffer from looking different and/or speaking differently which can often inhibit them and curtail their ability for growth. There is either an ignorance of social mobility and how it can benefit them, or, there is a reluctance to utilise social mobility because it sits uncomfortably with their upbringing. There is a social mobility mental block. There is a fear to step outside of their 'comfort zone' where they feel safe and comfortable. Add to that a resistance to integrating social mobility into their life to aid their business growth. For some there is also the notion that the business should provide its service or product only within the community where it is initiated; brick and mortar business. That there is no service to enquiries via the Internet. Plus, that they should not do business outside of their social 'norm'. That they should stay faithful only to their community. There is a sense of betrayal if they use social mobility to better themselves and their business, which would open doors to include a circle of new people. New experiences. New life. A fresh growth of themselves.
A main problem with some Black businesses is representing themselves well to the purse holders. The Black business owner may well suffer from looking different and/or speaking differently which can often inhibit them and curtail their ability for growth. There is either an ignorance of social mobility and how it can benefit them, or, there is a reluctance to utilise social mobility because it sits uncomfortably with their upbringing. There is a social mobility mental block. There is a fear to step outside of their 'comfort zone' where they feel safe and comfortable. Add to that a resistance to integrating social mobility into their life to aid their business growth. For some there is also the notion that the business should provide its service or product only within the community where it is initiated; brick and mortar business. That there is no service to enquiries via the Internet. Plus, that they should not do business outside of their social 'norm'. That they should stay faithful only to their community. There is a sense of betrayal if they use social mobility to better themselves and their business, which would open doors to include a circle of new people. New experiences. New life. A fresh growth of themselves.
Believe In You:
Be attentive to how you speak to yourself, plus what you say to yourself.
"I believe that I am the fountain of my future."
"I believe in keeping promises and winning together."
"I believe in my changing outlook."
"I believe in doing the right thing when nobody is looking."
"I believe in partnerships with the big boys and the little ones also, whilst maintaining my integrity, moral compass and expectations."
"I believe in looking you in the eye and that a handshake constitutes a deal."
"I believe that you should contact me to help you."
"I believe in exceeding expectations."
This is why Positive Steps Into Social Mobility believes in you.
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