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Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Where to next

Where to next? Let me tell you a secret. Today I am going to do something special for you. Generous of me, I know. I am going to give you a gentle overdue nudge to your dreams desires, so do not say that I do not do anything for you. YOU there, on the train. YOU over there, strolling along as you read this. YOU back there, being bored with the television. I’m wondering if you do really want break free from your social shackles, because it looks from here like the only thing you need to get is Positive Steps Into Social Mobility your private assistant guide. So, what are you going to do? Go it alone, piecing together all the bits from what feels like 972 tutorials on YouTube and a further 654 blogs? OR you can choose to say YES to my offer (and save yourself years of trial and error + super expensive mistakes) You have the power to Positive Steps Into Social Mobility YOUR private assistant guide that allows you to increase your ability into social mo...

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Like A Skilled Old Fashioned Equaliser says Camille

LIKE A SKILLED, OLD FASHIONED EQUALISER (think Denzel Washington (USA), or my man Edward Woodward (UK)) no need to reach for your wallet just yet... I don't charge for the attraction I see you visit sometimes.  You hang around for a bit, a glance here, a glance there and then you leave... on tippy toes. I know commitment scares you and you aren't even sure you like me enough YET.  So, let me hold your hand and show you around a bit. Here are some of my best free things just for you... I really like your sparkle. How does your bald head glimmer so beautifully and smell so gooorgeous? Here's the amusing thing funny face... That platinum opportunity.  That magical Unicorn you have been looking for ever since you pressed 'play' on this packaged thing called social mobility + life + entrepreneurship... It will not just show up at your door one day (under an enormous bouquet). You have to get off (your b...

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Camille is YOUR belief enhancer01

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment DECEMBER is here! Welcome, welcome, welcome from me Camille Lansiquot to you. I am going to help you believe that YES YOU CAN enter into social mobility to assist you in the delivery of your dreams. I am sharing this insight of who I am with you and only you. Keep this to yourself, guard it with your life! First thing is first. I am going to share with you my favourite belief enhancers to help you on your positive steps journey using the vehicle of social mobility.  NEVER let the colour of your skin hold you back from your advantageous circumstances. NEVER let your class hold you back from your dreams. NEVER let your status hold you back from your progression. Where do YOU want social mobility to take you today? Within 24 hours. Get on board!  Let's shake things up from the inside; and the outside.

Who is Camille Lansiquot? Positive Steps Into Social Mobility

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment SIMPLIFY TO AMPLIFY Camille says "This is YOUR time to ‘next step’ YOUR package." WHO IS Camille Lansiquot? Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment I wouldn’t say I am an expert in Personal Development and Social Status Strategy but the 1000s of shy, introvert and autistic entrepreneurial young people and adults with anxieties from having a lack of confidence in social mobility, that I have helped go from struggling poverty mindset and shackled to other people's conforms of their life, to successfully reaching a level of confidence, to enable their 1st and subsequent positive steps into social mobility, would no doubt disagree. It’s just one of the benefits of helping so many people beat struggling poverty mindset and shackles to other people's conforms of their life, after they have spent countless hours, days, weeks, months and even in somes years lookin...

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Help from Camille

The promise of this transitional and transformational social mobility experience is that it can help you to overcome: 😡 a feeling of being perturbed,  😡 a feeling of social apprehensiveness, anxiety, uneasiness and trepidation, when meeting new people. Instead, through Positive Steps Into Social Mobility:  1. You shall connect with YOUR big vision of you all through the experience of achievement escalation.  2. You shall feel a level of success and elevation within yourself.  3. You shall feel a growth in confidence.  4. You shall feel engaged with a changed mindset that dispels the negativity and shackles of others that had hurt your feelings before and whose role in life IS solely to hold you back from moving forward and attaining further opportunities; where you have the propensity to gain further advantages and progression through a visibility of who you are and what you can offer, in a way that sits well with you.  5. You shall strategise with your ...