WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Camille asks you The dates of the previous year has drifted away from you. You stand in a new year with new journeys to experience. So, who do you think you are now that the new year is well under way? 1. The fairly GOOD looking game changer? 2. The mildly BAD tempered know it all? 3. The horrendously UGLY duckling meet and greeter? Or a crazy mixture of the three? ……………………… How brutally honest are you with yourself when thinking about who you are? Are you a doormat to yourself, or a highly critical highly criticising creature, or do you have the characteristics of an unhinged dragon? Do you purposely ruffle your own feathers in order to chastise yourself? Do you tickle the nose of others as an irritant where people avoid you? Or, does your tickle of noses deliver a warm, hearty chuckle drawing people towards you? How long does it take you to sense that things are slowly falling apart in your life, then for you t...
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility Awareness and Empowerment. Essential social mobility experience steps leading to life benefits. Helping you get what you want out of life. ‘Believe In You’ and gain professional, social & personal transition. Time to BELIEVE and tap into YOUR OPPORTUNITIES. Taking you by the hand with easy steps into Your Life As A Business. Open YOUR opportunities in YOUR life progression. Everyone has a super power in their social mobility. Use yours!