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Reasons to Believe In You and use social mobility, March

BEST TOP RECOMMENDED Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment WHY Social Mobility?... Why not! WHY is it that you allow others who would never enter into social mobility to influence YOU, keeping you shackled to what they believe is right for you? Seize the moments and make your go to "Believe In You" through your positive steps. Camille Lansiquot “ Social mobility.  The same words mean different things to different people.  One person's need to live a better life, is another person's view of an upstart. As the more you ask WHY?, the more you dare to become.” Joseph Hendricks Cepal NEWS UPDATE : We listened to your feedbacks and have raised the level to your social mobility by enhancing and creating "Believe In You" silver service dining and conversation events.  Still maintaining to keep things small, cosy and comfortable.  Still accepting only 11 individuals per month. PLUS, we are now accepting...

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Camille is YOUR belief enhancer03

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment MARCH is here! Welcome, welcome, welcome from me Camille Lansiquot to you. I am going to help you believe that YES YOU CAN enter into social mobility to assist you in the delivery of your dreams. I am sharing this insight of who I am with you and only you. Keep this to yourself, guard it with your life! First thing is first. I am going to share with you my favourite belief enhancers to help you on your positive steps journey using the vehicle of social mobility.  NEVER let the colour of your skin hold you back from your advantageous circumstances. NEVER let your class hold you back from your dreams. NEVER let your status hold you back from your progression. Where do YOU want social mobility to take you today? Within 24 hours. Get on board!  Let's shake things up from the inside; and the outside.

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: On the subject of you

On the subject of you… how is the reality of your professional, personal and social life journey affecting you? You are delving into instant gratification. You want everything within a short space of time. You have a double helping of self doubt sitting at a table with self pity choosing from a menu at a restaurant called 'Self Loathing'. You convince yourself that it is just for you because it is what you deserve. How is that self loathing working out for you today? You must like it because you appear from the outside to be enjoying the ‘kicking myself’ carousel. You are struggling against those that deny you the ability to engage with your own self motivation, self discipline, self validation and self reinforcement. You are denied how hard and how smart that you can work from the barriers of others. You want projects to come to you, almost like assignments, to strengthen your ability in managing your emotions as a professional in order to sur...

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Camille is YOUR belief enhancer02

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment FEBRUARY is here! Welcome, welcome, welcome from me Camille Lansiquot to you. I am going to help you believe that YES YOU CAN enter into social mobility to assist you in the delivery of your dreams. I am sharing this insight of who I am with you and only you. Keep this to yourself, guard it with your life! First thing is first. I am going to share with you my favourite belief enhancers to help you on your positive steps journey using the vehicle of social mobility.  NEVER let the colour of your skin hold you back from your advantageous circumstances. NEVER let your class hold you back from your dreams. NEVER let your status hold you back from your progression. Where do YOU want social mobility to take you today? Within 24 hours. Get on board!  Let's shake things up from the inside; and the outside.

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: I Am A Danger To Society

I’M A DANGER TO SOCIETY A woman of colour living and revealing the positive steps in social mobility “ Welcome to our society. You will be judged on what you wear, which music you listen to, what you look like, how you act, who you hang ’round with, and on practically every other personal trait and imperfection about you, and you’ll be made fun of for being who you are. Enjoy your stay. ” Bleak picture? Let me stand on my soap box on the corner of Hyde Park Corner and add my two pence to it and make it even bleaker. I absolutely detest arrogant people and back stabbers who trample over good people, decent people, hard working people, because they feel as though they have a right to do so because of their perceived 'intelligence', skin colour, connections in society and wealth. And I pray every day that I don’t get caught up in this evil ever. Hear. Hear. How about you? What is one thing in the society that you absolutely can not stand. ...

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Who Do You Think You Are, Camille asks

WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Camille asks you The dates of the previous year has drifted away from you. You stand in a new year with new journeys to experience. So, who do you think you are now that the new year is well under way? 1. The fairly GOOD looking game changer? 2. The mildly BAD tempered know it all? 3. The horrendously UGLY duckling meet and greeter? Or a crazy mixture of the three? ……………………… How brutally honest are you with yourself when thinking about who you are? Are you a doormat to yourself, or a highly critical highly criticising creature, or do you have the characteristics of an unhinged dragon? Do you purposely ruffle your own feathers in order to chastise yourself? Do you tickle the nose of others as an irritant where people avoid you? Or, does your tickle of noses deliver a warm, hearty chuckle drawing people towards you? How long does it take you to sense that things are slowly falling apart in your life, then for you t...

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Where to next

Where to next? Let me tell you a secret. Today I am going to do something special for you. Generous of me, I know. I am going to give you a gentle overdue nudge to your dreams desires, so do not say that I do not do anything for you. YOU there, on the train. YOU over there, strolling along as you read this. YOU back there, being bored with the television. I’m wondering if you do really want break free from your social shackles, because it looks from here like the only thing you need to get is Positive Steps Into Social Mobility your private assistant guide. So, what are you going to do? Go it alone, piecing together all the bits from what feels like 972 tutorials on YouTube and a further 654 blogs? OR you can choose to say YES to my offer (and save yourself years of trial and error + super expensive mistakes) You have the power to Positive Steps Into Social Mobility YOUR private assistant guide that allows you to increase your ability into social mo...